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Config Files

App Settings

The configuration for the agent can be set in the appsettings.json file.
If this file does not exist when the agent is started, it is created with empty values. (As shown below)
The values in this configuration overwrite the values of appsettings.system.json, except if the value is empty or 0 or 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

"Info": "This file may be changed manually. Values in this file have a higher priority than in appsettings.system.json.",
"General": {
"DefaultCulture": ""
"Settings": {
"LogPath": "",
"UseColoredConsole": ""
"Agent": {
"AgentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"BackupPath": "",
"LogLevel": "",
"LogFileRetentionDays": 0
"BroadcastSuite": {
"ConnectToBroadcastSuite": "",
"NodeName": "",
"HostName": "",
"GrpcPort": 0,
"GrpcCredential": "",
"GrpcRequestTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
"UdpPort": 0,
"AgentDeviceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"RegisterToken": "",
"AccessToken": "",
"PingIntervalInSeconds": 0,
"ActionStreamEnabled": ""

System App Settings

The default configuration for the agent is available in the appsettings.system.json file.
The values that are automatically created for the agent are saved here.
This file must not be changed manually. Manual changes are overwritten the next time this file is generated.

"Info": "This file is generated and filled automatically. No manual changes are allowed here. Adjustments must be made in appsettings.json.",
"General": {
"DefaultCulture": "de-CH"
"Settings": {
"LogPath": "C:\\ProgramData\\SLG Broadcast Suite\\Logs",
"UseColoredConsole": true
"Agent": {
"AgentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"BackupPath": "C:\\ProgramData\\SLG Broadcast Suite\\Backups",
"LogLevel": 2,
"LogFileRetentionDays": 30
"BroadcastSuite": {
"ConnectToBroadcastSuite": true,
"NodeName": "Core",
"HostName": "",
"GrpcPort": 8086,
"GrpcCredential": 0,
"GrpcRequestTimeoutInSeconds": 30,
"UdpPort": 8087,
"AgentDeviceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"RegisterToken": "",
"AccessToken": "",
"PingIntervalInSeconds": 15,
"ActionStreamEnabled": false



DefaultCultureStringRepresents the used culture


LogPathStringThe path in which folder the log files should be stored
UseColoredConsoleBooleanIndicates if a colored console should be used for logging


AgentIdGuidThe unique agent ID.
Generated by this agent when the appsettings file is created.
BackupPathStringPath where the ClientBackupTool stores the backup files
LogLevelLogLevelThe log level used by this agent
LogFileRetentionDaysUInt16The maximum amount of days how long the log files should be kept

The following LogLevels are supported:

  • Trace
  • Debug
  • Info
  • Warn
  • Error
  • Fatal
  • Off


ConnectToBroadcastSuiteBooleanFlag that indicates if the agent should create a gRPC connection (request or stream) to the core.
Even if this is set to false, the gRPC ping is still executed.
NodeNameStringThe name of the node to connect to
HostNameStringThe host name of the core to connect to
GrpcPortUInt16The gRPC port of the core to connect to.
Will be set from Core gRPC Listen Port in the Core settings.
GrpcCredentialGrpcChannelCredentialIndicates how the agent creates the gRPC connection to the core.
Will be set from Agent gRPC Credential in the Agent settings.
GrpcRequestTimeoutInSecondsUInt16The timeout for gRPC requests.
Will always be at least 1.
Will be set from gRPC Request Timeout in the Technical settings.
UdpPortUInt16The UDP port of the core to send the discovery broadcast
AgentDeviceIdGuidThe Device model ID of the agent device
RegisterTokenStringThe register token with which the agent can securely register with the core if Global Register Token in the Agent settings is set.
AccessTokenStringThe access token which is required to authenticate to the core over gRPC
PingIntervalInSecondsUInt16The interval at which the agent should ping the core.
Will always be at least 1.
Will be set from Agent Ping Interval in the Agent settings.
ActionStreamEnabledBooleanIndicates if the agent should create an ActionStream to the core

The following GrpcCredentials are supported:

  • Insecure
  • SecureSsl