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Agent Overview

The Broadcast Suite Agent will be able to allow the Broadcast Suite core to execute actions on a Windows PC.
It is also possible for the Broadcast Suite Agent to report back the currently logged-in user.

The Agent in Broadcast Suite

In Broadcast Suite, the agent is displayed as an agent device.
An agent device can be created manually. However, as various values are required, we recommend that the agent registers itself with Broadcast Suite.
You can find out exactly how this works under Before You Start.

How the Agent Works

Communication between the core and agent is done via gRPC. The only exception is the discovery process, which is done via UDP.


The registration is described in the discovery process section.


The ping acts as a keep alive between the agent and the core.
The core requires this ping to be able to display the device status of the agent device.
The agent requires the response of the ping in order to be informed about changed agent settings.


The ping only starts if the agent has successfully registered with the core.

User Logon

The agent offers the possibility to monitor the current session status of the Windows user.
If the status of the user changes, the agent sends this information to the core, where it can be monitored with a Windows User Logon Trigger.

The following user session events can currently be monitored:

Session LogonTriggered when the agent is started
Session LogoffTriggered when the user logs out of the session or when the agent is terminated
Session UnlockTriggered when the user unlocks his session
Session LockTriggered when the user locks his session

After the agent has been started, the Session Logon event is sent to the core.
If the core cannot be reached while the agent is starting, the status is sent again as soon as the ping has received a valid response.
If the core is restarted or an apply config is made, the agent receives this information via the ping response and sends the last known status to the core so that it is informed of the current status again.


The monitoring only starts if the agent has successfully registered with the core.