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An event links one or more triggers to one or more actions.
This allows you to combine multiple, individual measurement values to a status.

Each event has the following base parameters:

NameName to identify this model
EnabledIndicates if the model is enabled
Boolean OperatorDefine how the individual Triggers are connected to each other
CategoryThe associated category
DescriptionAdditional description
Initial StatusStatus which is used after initialization
Force ActionsIf enabled, the associated Actions are executed even if the Trigger value is the same as before
LoggingIf enabled, this item will create log entries
TroubleshooterIf enabled, the troubleshooter is active
Last On TimeThe date and time when this Event last had the status On
OccurrencesNumber of times this item has occurred
Pause untilIf set, prevents the execution of the associated Actions until this date and time is reached
Sequence NumberThe unique sequence ID of this item. Used for the Ember+ provider OID.
SeverityThe associated Severity
Status CodeThe current status code
Status MessageThe current status message
StatusThe current status

The boolean operator affects the event logic. If you choose AND, all triggers linked with this event need to be active for the event to switch to On, whereas only one of the triggers needs to be active when you select Or.


You can add as many triggers to one event as you like. They are logically combined by the boolean operator set in the event. There must be at least one trigger per event.

When adding a trigger to an event, you can configure the following parameters:

  • Status: Current trigger status
  • Status Code: Trigger status code (can be left empty)
  • Negated

The option negate negates the trigger (XOR):

Trigger StatusNegatedStatus in Event

The trigger states are as follows:

Trigger StatusDescription
No StateTrigger status is unknown
OffTrigger is off (condition not matched)
OnTrigger is on (condition matched)
FailedTrigger has failed (e.g. lost connection, internal error)
InitializedTrigger has been initialized by Broadcast Suite Core, but no data has been received so far
Initialization failedTrigger initialization has failed (e.g. due to missing parameters, invalid configuration)
DisabledTrigger has been disabled by user


Whenever the status of an event changes, a set of actions can be executed. You can define the execution point of each action with the Action State parameter:

Action StateDescription
low to highExecute action when the event changes from off to on
high to lowExecute action when the event changes from on to off
bothExecute action on every status change

Actions can be sorted with drag and drop and are executed sequentially. The top-most action (first entry in the action list) is executed first.