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Triggers are used to monitor a single status of a device.

For example, this can be a GPI (General Purpose Input), the power supply state, the temperature of the unit or even bandwidth measurements on a switch.

The trigger reacts to the configured value and informs the event about its current status.

Each trigger has the following base parameters:

NameName to identify this model
EnabledIndicates if the model is enabled
Trigger TypeType to decide which parameters are needed
DeviceThe associated device
CategoryThe associated category
DescriptionAdditional description
Initial StatusStatus which is used after initialization
LoggingIf enabled, this item will create log entries
Last StateThe last TriggerState
OccurrencesNumber of times this item has occurred
PulseIf enabled, this Trigger automatically returns to the status Off after the configured time in the PulseDuration
Pulse DurationDuration after this Trigger returns to the status Off, if Pulse is enabled.
The default value can be changed globally in the settings
In milliseconds
Restore State on InitSet true, to restore the StatusState (from LastState) during initialization
Sequence NumberThe unique sequence ID of this item. Used for the Ember+ provider OID.
Status CodeThe current status code
Status MessageThe current status message
StatusThe current status
Substitution TableThe associated Substitution Table
Switch-off timeThe switch-off time defines how long a measurement value needs to mismatch the trigger configuration before it changes its status to Off
Switch-on timeThe switch-on time defines how long a measurement value needs to match or exceed the defined threshold or value before it changes its status to On
ToggleWhen enabled, the Trigger status is switched between On and Off each time the Trigger condition is met.

Bionic Studio GPIO

Listens for GPOs sent by Broadcast Bionics's (

Listen PortMust match the Bionic Studio configuration
GPO NumberPhoneBox GPO Number
GPO ValueExpected GPO Value

The following GPO Values are currently supported:

  • True
  • False


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:

{ConditionFulfilled}1 if Trigger condition is fulfilled, 0 otherwise

Bionic Studio Status

Item Name / ID
Polling IntervalIn seconds

The following Commands are currently supported:

  • Client Status
  • Extension Availability
  • Extension In Use
  • Service Registration
  • Trunk out of Service


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Blackmagic ATEM Tally

Listens and reacts to inputs of Blackmagic Design ATEM switchers.

InputAs shown in the ATEM Remote Software
TypeExpected input state

Not available on linux

The following Types are currently supported:

  • Preview
  • Program


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Codec Control

Expected Codec Status

The following Codec Status are currently supported:

  • Calling
  • Connecting
  • Disconnecting
  • Failed
  • Framed
  • Idle
  • Not Ready
  • Reserved
  • Ringing
  • Timeout
  • Unknown


Uses so-called cron expressions to change the status of the trigger to On periodically.
This is useful for configurations where specific actions should be executed regularly, e.g., every hour or every first Monday of the month.
You can create your cron expression on

Cron ExpressionDefines the intermittency in which the trigger becomes the status On
Please refer to the manual or for the detailed syntax
DurationDuration the trigger keeps the statusOn
In seconds
On ValueLeave empty for default value (On = 1)
Off ValueLeave empty for default value (Off = 0)
Default ValueLeave empty to use the Off Value

Cron expressions are made up of seven sub-expressions, that describe individual details of the schedule. These sub-expressions are separated with white-space, and represent:

  • Seconds
  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Day-of-Month
  • Month
  • Day-of-Week
  • Year (optional field)

An example of a complete cron-expression is the following string:

0 0 11 ? * MON

which means “every Monday at 11:00:00 pm”.

These expressions can be generated quite easily with services like

Device Status

Expected Device Status

The following Device Status are currently supported:

  • Connecting
  • Connected
  • Connection failed
  • Disconnecting
  • Disconnected

DHD Logic State

Allow to monitor the state of DHD logic elements via the ECP protocol

Logic IDID of the DHD logic element
Can be found in DHD ToolBox
Expected Logic State

The following Logic States are currently supported:

  • True
  • False


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:

{LogicId}From the trigger configuration


Make use of the Digital Metering System protocol from DSA Volgmann and can be used to receive so-called MF-Key values from Lawo Radio Console devices.

Slot0 = Any (reacts to any value)
Key0 = Any (reacts to any value)

The MF-Key value must have a length of eight characters and has the following format:


This value translates to MF-LED 1 in Slot 2

The following Types are currently supported:

  • Screen Button
  • Screen Button RGB
  • Surface Button

The following Colors are currently supported:

  • Any
  • Blue
  • Cyan
  • Green
  • Magenta
  • Off
  • On (Any Color)
  • Red
  • White
  • Yellow

The following Blinks are currently supported:

  • Ignore
  • Off
  • On

The following Dims are currently supported:

  • Ignore
  • Off
  • On


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:



Has always a defined status and can be used in Events, Panels and other places where a defined output state is required

Default StatusDoes always keep this status

The following Default Status are currently supported:

  • Connected
  • Connecting
  • Connection failed
  • Disabled
  • Disconnected
  • Disconnecting
  • Execution failed
  • Execution successful
  • Failed
  • Initialization failed
  • Initialized
  • Locked
  • No State
  • Not executed
  • Not Initialized
  • Off
  • On
  • Partially executed
  • Paused
  • Timeout


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Ember+ Consumer

Can be used with virtually any Ember+ provider to monitor a specific value within an Ember+ tree.
For more information on Ember+, please see

Ember+ PathPath to property as shown in Ember+ Viewer
The path to the parameter, e.g. /Root/Input 1/Gain
Expected Value
Parameter OIDObject Identifier (OID) of parameter. Will be populated automatically if field is left empty.
RegEx FilterRegEx expression, which is applied on Expected Value


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Ember+ GPIO

Reacts to changes of Ember+ GPIO nodes of a Lawo Radio Console device.

GPIO Node NameName of the Ember+ GPIO element as shown in TinyEmber or Lawo configuration
GPO NumberGPO Output Number
GPO Value
Parameter OIDObject Identifier (OID) of parameter. Will be populated automatically if field is left empty.

The following GPO Values are currently supported:

  • True
  • False


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Ember+ Matrix

Reacts to changes of Ember+ matrices.

Matrix PathPath of the Ember+ matrix node as shown in the Ember+ Viewer
Source IDMultiple values can be separated by comma, ranges by minus (e.g. 1,2,3-10). Leave empty if you enable Any Source.
Accept any sourceIf enabled, any source routed to the configured destination(s) will invoke this trigger.
Destination IDMultiple values can be separated by comma, ranges by minus (e.g. 1,2,3-10)
Parameter OIDObject Identifier (OID) of parameter. Will be populated automatically if field is left empty.


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:

{Destination}Destination ID
{Source}Source ID

Ember+ Provider

Each instance is an Ember+ provider and publishes the status of all Triggers, Events and Actions within its tree. By configuring Ember+ Provider triggers, the value of the trigger values can be changed by an external Ember+ consumer.

Expected Value


Allows you to read a file in a regular interval and compare its content with the expected value.

File PathFull path to the file, including the filename. Supports static placeholders.✔️
Polling IntervalIn seconds
Read Mode
Expected ValueExpected file content

The read mode All Lines is limited to 8 kB. This limit can be changed in the File Trigger Max File Size in the Trigger settings.

The following Read Modes are currently supported:

  • First Line
  • Last Line
  • All Lines


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


G&D KVM Crosspoint

Reacts to changes on Guntermann & Drunck KVM matrix devices

SourceConsole Name
Accept any SourceIf enabled, any source routed to the configured destination will invoke this trigger
Source ConditionOnly sources where the names match the expression are processed
RegEx expression
DestinationCPU (Destination)
Accept any DestinationIf enabled, any destination will invoke this trigger
Destination ConditionOnly destinations where the names match the expression are processed
RegEx expression


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:

{Destination}Destination Name (CPU)
{Source}Source Name (Console)

HTTP Polling

External JSON APIs can be polled regularly in order to retrieve values from other devices, external systems or web services.

If multiple HTTP Polling triggers with the same request URI are assigned to the same node, they are automatically being grouped by polling interval and only one request is being made. This reduces the number of requests to the remote service.

Request URIURI which is being called
Will be combined with the device hostname if it does not start with http. Supports system, static and dynamic placeholders.
Request Type
Content Type
PayloadSupports system, static and dynamic placeholders.✔️
Message FilterFilter for incoming messages. The filter is applied before the trigger condition is verified. Supports JSONPath
Expected PropertyThe property which is being monitored.
Supports JSONPath / XPath
Expected Value
Polling IntervalIn seconds
RegEx FilterRegEx expression, which is applied on Expected Value

The following Request Types are currently supported:

  • GET
  • POST

The following Content Types are currently supported:

  • application/json
  • application/vnd.api+json
  • application/xml
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • text/html
  • text/plain
  • text/xml


JSONPath can be used for the Expected Property parameter and allows to refer specific objects or elements in JSON responses.

JSONPath expressions can use the dot–notation.


or the bracket–notation


Syntax Elements
$The root object/element
@The current object/element
. or []child operator
..recursive descent
?()Applies a filter (script) expression
()script expression, using the underlying script engine


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:



Reacts to incoming HTTP POST requests from external systems.

Method NameDefines the API URI of the trigger
The trigger will be available at{methodName}
Expected JSON PropertyThe name of the expected JSON property
Expected Value

IHSE Crosspoint

SourceConsole or CPU identifier including prefix (CON_ / CPU_). Example: CON_1003
DestinationConsole or CPU identifier including prefix (CON_ / CPU_). Example: CON_1003
Accept any SourceIf enabled, any source assigned to the destination will activate this trigger
Polling IntervalIn seconds


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


KPF Crosspoint

Reacts to changes of the internal matrices of Lawo Radio OnAir consoles.

Source IDMultiple values can be separated by comma, ranges by minus (e.g. 1,2,3-10). Leave empty if you enable Any Source.
Destination IDMultiple values can be separated by comma, ranges by minus (e.g. 1,2,3-10)
Accept Any SourceIf enabled, any source routed to the configured destination(s) will invoke this trigger.


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:

{Destination}Destination ID
{Source}Source ID


Verifies periodically the current license and reacts depending on the current license state

Expected License Type

The following License Types are currently supported:

  • None
  • Demo
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra Large


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Livewire GPIO

Reacts to changes of Axia GPIO xNodes.
For more information on the GPIO configuration, please refer to the xNode manual.

PortThe xNode GPIO port number
PinThe xNode GPI (Pin)
StateState of the GPI

The following States are currently supported:

  • True
  • False


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Marshall Switcher


Modbus TCP

Expected Value

The following Types are currently supported:

  • Coil
  • Discrete Input
  • Input Register
  • Holding Register


Reacts to incoming MQTT messages.

TopicTopic for the MQTT message
Expected ValueExpected MQTT Value


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Node State

Verifies the state of the current node

Expected Node StateExpected node state of the Core

The following Node States are currently supported:

  • Primary
  • Secondary


Reacts to incoming OSC messages.

OSC Path
Expected Value
Listen Port


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:



ICMP Trigger for monitoring devices via PING

IntervalIn seconds
Offline ThresholdAmount of ping failures until the trigger changes its status to On
Online ThresholdAmount of successful pings until the trigger changes its status to Off
Verify Round Trip TimeIf enabled, replies with a round trip time higher than the configured value count as failure
Max Round Trip TimeReplies with an RTT higher than the configured value count as a failure, if the option Verify Round Trip Time is enabled

Remote Trigger

Remote Trigger IDID of the trigger on the external Broadcast Suite


Allows device monitoring via RMON

Port NumberThe interface number / ID
ParameterThe RMON parameter which should be monitored
Expected ValueRMON Value

The following Parameters are currently supported:

  • Drop Events
  • Octets
  • Packets
  • Broadcast Packets
  • Multicast Packets
  • CRC Align Errors
  • Undersize Packets
  • Oversize Packets
  • Fragments
  • Jabbers
  • Collisions
  • Utilization

sFlow Generic Counter

If there is at least one sFlow trigger, the Broadcast Suite Core starts a sFlow Collector. This allows monitoring several counters (bandwidth, packet counters, errors) of sFlow compatible network devices

Interface IndexThe interface index as configured in the devices sFlow configuration
CounterThe observed generic counter
Expected ValueThe expected counter value

The following Counters are currently supported:

  • Interface Type
  • Interface Speed
  • Interface Direction
  • Interface Status
  • Interface Promicious Mode
  • Input Octets
  • Input Bandwidth
  • Input Utilization
  • Input Unicast Packets
  • Input Multicast Packets
  • Input Broadcast Packets
  • Input Dicards
  • Input Errors
  • Input Unkown Protocols
  • Output Octets
  • Output Bandwidth
  • Output Utilization
  • Output Unicast Packets
  • Output Multicast Packets
  • Output Broadcast Packets
  • Output Dicards
  • Output Errors

Silence Detector

Monitors an audio input and reacts when the audio level is below a configurable threshold.

Audio InputInput which is monitored
ThresholdThe minimum audio level in dBFS (RMS) for the trigger to remain off

Audio inputs are currently supported on Windows only. Requires the Audio add-on.


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


SIP Register

Verifies if the given SIP User is registered.

Expected SIP Status CodeStatus code for the trigger to remain off

The following SIP Status Codes are currently supported:

  • Accepted
  • AddressIncomplete
  • AlternativeService
  • Ambiguous
  • AnonymityDisallowed
  • BadEvent
  • BadExtension
  • BadGateway
  • BadIdentityInfo
  • BadRequest
  • BusyEverywhere
  • BusyHere
  • CallIsBeingForwarded
  • CallLegTransactionDoesNotExist
  • ConditionalRequestFailed
  • ConsentNeeded
  • Decline
  • DoesNotExistAnywhere
  • ExtensionRequired
  • FirstHopLacksOutboundSupport
  • FlowFailed
  • Forbidden
  • Gone
  • InternalServerError
  • IntervalTooBrief
  • InvalidIdentityHeader
  • LoopDetected
  • MaxBreadthExceeded
  • MessageTooLarge
  • MethodNotAllowed
  • MovedPermanently
  • MovedTemporarily
  • MultipleChoices
  • None
  • NoNotification
  • NotAcceptable
  • NotAcceptableAnywhere
  • NotAcceptableHere
  • NotFound
  • NotImplemented
  • Ok
  • PaymentRequired
  • PreconditionFailure
  • ProvideReferrerIdentity
  • ProxyAuthenticationRequired
  • Queued
  • RequestEntityTooLarge
  • RequestPending
  • RequestTerminated
  • RequestTimeout
  • RequestURITooLong
  • Ringing
  • ServerTimeout
  • ServiceUnavailable
  • SessionIntervalTooSmall
  • SessionProgress
  • SIPVersionNotSupported
  • TemporarilyUnavailable
  • TooManyHops
  • Trying
  • Unauthorised
  • Undecipherable
  • UnknownResourcePriority
  • UnsupportedCertificate
  • UnsupportedMediaType
  • UnsupportedURIScheme
  • UseIdentityHeader
  • UseProxy

SIP Ringing

Verifies if the given SIP User is ringing.

FromOptional Caller ID. You can separate multiple values by comma.


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Skaarhoj Panel

Component ID


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:



Allows incoming SNMP TRAPs to be checked.

Expected OIDThe TRAP OID for which the Expected Value has to be matched.
If multiple TRAPs match the OID, only the first will be checked.
Expected ValueThe expected value for the Expected OID
OID FilterThis filter can be used to check whether a specific OID exists in the TRAP.
If found, all variable bindings are forwarded to Expected OID.
This filter can be used alone or together with Value Filter.
Value FilterThis filter can be used to check whether a specific value exists in the TRAP.
If found, all variable bindings are forwarded to Expected Value.
This filter can be used alone or together with OID Filter.


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Sound4 Preset

Monitor the status of Sound4 BigVoice voice processors

ChannelThe channel number, starting at 1
Preset Reference ModeReact to preset IDs or preset names
Expected PresetThe expected preset ID / preset name

The following Preset Reference Modes are currently supported:

  • ID
  • Name

Sync Log

Checks if there are entries in the SyncLog table which are not Approved.
So it can be checked if a sync has failed.

IntervalInterval in which the Sync Log table is checked
In seconds

Works only on supervisor nodes


Minimum Severity
Expected Message
RegEx FilterRegEx expression, which is applied on Expected Message

The following Minimum Severities are currently supported:

  • Emergency
  • Alert
  • Critical
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Notice
  • Informational
  • Debug

The following Conditions are currently supported:

  • Any
  • Contains
  • Ends With
  • Equals
  • Starts With


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


TCP Listener

Reacts to incoming TCP messages.

Listen PortMultiple triggers can use the same listen port
ConditionThe condition for the message filter
Expected Message
Payload Type

The following Conditions are currently supported:

  • Any
  • Contains
  • Ends With
  • Equals
  • Starts With

The following Payload Types are currently supported:

  • Byte Array
  • UTF-8

TCP Port Check

Allows to check the status of an arbitrary TCP port

TCP Port
Polling IntervalIn seconds
TimeoutIn seconds


Chat ID

The following Conditions are currently supported:

  • Any
  • Contains
  • Ends With
  • Equals
  • Starts With


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:

{UserId}User ID of the message sender
{UserName}User name of the message sender


Allows to connect to an arbitrary device which supports Telnet connections. The configured command(s) are sent periodically to the device to poll the current status.

CommandTelnet Command
Expected Response
Polling IntervalIn seconds

Rotates a list of messages in sequential and repeating order. The display duration of the messages can be configured freely.

Carousel MessagesIf a placeholder resolves in multiple lines, it will be treated as a single carousel message.
One line per message. Supports system, static and dynamic placeholders.
Display DurationDisplay duration of each carousel message
In seconds

UDP Listener

Reacts to incoming UDP messages.

Listen PortMultiple triggers can use the same listen port
Payload Type

The following Conditions are currently supported:

  • Any
  • Contains
  • Ends With
  • Equals
  • Starts With

The following Payload Types are currently supported:

  • Byte Array
  • UTF-8


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:

{ConditionFulfilled}1 if Trigger condition is fulfilled, 0 otherwise

Videohub Crosspoint

Monitors the output routing of Blackmagic Design Videohub devices.
The source and destination IDs start at 1.

SourceSingle source ID or range
Multiple values can be separated by comma, ranges by minus (e.g. 1,2,3-10)
DestinationMonitored destination ID


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:

{DestinationId}The currently assigned destination ID
{DestinationLabel}User label of the current destination
{SourceId}The currently assigned source ID
{SourceLabel}User label of the current source


Default TriggerYou can add additional triggers on the Details page
Undefined ValueShown if the Virtual Trigger points to an undefined Trigger

vMix Tally


The following Types are currently supported:

  • Preview
  • Program


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:



Connects to a WebSocket and listens for incoming messages.

Socket AddressIf the address does not start with ws, the hostname and port from the device is used
WebSocket URI (e.g. ws://
Init Command/SubscriptionInit command which is sent as soon as the connection is established
Subscription or initialization command
Message FilterOnly messages matching this expression are processed
Filter for incoming messages. The filter is applied before the trigger condition is verified. Supports JSONPath
Expected PropertyThe expected message property
Supports JSONPath
Expected Value
RegEx ExpressionRegEx expression, which is applied on Expected Value


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:


Windows User Logon

Reacts to a Windows user session event provided by an agent device.

UsernameThe user to be monitored
Leave empty to monitor all users
Expected Session EventThe expected session event triggered by the user

Works only in combination with an agent device.
Requires the Agent add-on.

The following Session Events are currently supported:

  • Session Logon
  • Session Logoff
  • Session Unlock
  • Session Lock


This trigger passes the following custom placeholders to the actions:

{AgentUserName}The name of the user who triggered the session event
{AgentName}The name of the agent device
{AgentUserSessionEvent}The triggered session event


Allow to monitor the status of a Windows service or application.
A full list of properties can be found on

Type NameName of the type to be monitored
IntervalIn seconds
Check Is RunningIf enabled, the trigger becomes active whenever the observed process is not running
Property NameThe name of the property to check, e.g. Name
Expected Property Value

Please note that the WMI Trigger is only available when Broadcast Suite runs on a Windows host

The following Types are currently supported:

  • Process
  • Service