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If this node is in a cluster, then the settings with the Sync flag will be synchronized

System Settings


The general settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Node NameName of this nodeSLG Broadcast Suite
Node LocationLocation of this node
Default Timeout for Web RequestsIn seconds5✔️✔️
Supervisor NodeFalse
Staging NodeFalse
Default Node StateThe default node state when this node is not in a cluster or the node state is not set by a clusterPrimary✔️
Store Index Search ValueIf enabled, the search value on the index pages will persist even if the page is reloaded.True✔️


The core settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Core IP-Address or HostnameAddress on which the Core API should be available127.0.0.1✔️
Core API Listen PortPort on which the Core API should be available8085✔️
Core gRPC Listen PortRequired for distributed triggers and communication with the agent8086✔️
Default Pulse DurationLength of a pulse. Is used when pulse is enabled and its duration is not set or 0 (affects actions and triggers).
In milliseconds
Startup ActionsList of actions which will be executed during startup.
The actions are not executed when "Apply Config" or "Reload Config" is performed.
Comma-separated Actions UUID's
Shutdown ActionsList of actions which will be executed during shutdown.
The actions are not executed when "Apply Config" or "Reload Config" is performed.
Comma-separated Actions UUID's
Shell Path/bin/bash✔️✔️
FFmpeg PathPath the FFmpeg binaryffmpeg✔️✔️
Audio Recording PathPath for audio recordings. Will be purged regularly according to the purge settings.C:\ProgramData\SLG Broadcast Suite\Audio✔️
Audio Recording LengthCreate a new file after the configured amount of minutes.
In minutes


The Gui settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
External URLhttp://✔️
Show Login MessageIf enabled, the login message is shownFalse✔️
Login MessageMessage which is shown on the login screen
Supports HTML
Dashboard Refresh IntervalIn seconds (Use 0 to disable)30✔️
Header Color


The Database settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Backup Path
PostgreSQL Binary FolderDatabase backups require pg_dump
Path to bin folder
Create Daily BackupsFalse✔️✔️
Backup TypeCheck the documentation for more informationFull✔️
Backup Time00:40:00✔️✔️
Maintenance TimeDaily database maintenance job03:10:00✔️✔️
Maintenance TimeoutDaily database maintenance job timeout
In minutes


Here you can set how long data should be kept and at what time they should be deleted.

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Deleted Items Retention DaysAffected entries: Deleted Items30✔️✔️
Deleted Items Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged01:10:00✔️✔️
User Token Retention DaysAffected entries: User Token30✔️✔️
User Tokens Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged01:20:00✔️✔️
Backups Retention DaysAffected entries: Backup Files30✔️✔️
Backups Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged01:40:00✔️✔️
Audit Trail Retention DaysAffected entries: Audit Trail365✔️✔️
Audit Trail Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged01:50:00✔️✔️
System History Retention DaysAffected entries: Runtime, Statistic30✔️✔️
System History Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged02:10:00✔️✔️
Item History Retention DaysAffected entries: Action, Device, Event, Trigger30✔️✔️
Item History Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged02:20:00✔️✔️
RMON History Retention DaysAffected entries: RMON30✔️✔️
RMON History Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged02:40:00✔️✔️
SFlow History Retention DaysAffected entries: SFlow30✔️✔️
SFlow History Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged02:50:00✔️✔️
Syslog History Retention DaysAffected entries: Syslog30✔️✔️
Syslog History Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged03:10:00✔️✔️
Sync Log Retention DaysAffected entries: Sync Log30✔️✔️
Sync Log Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged03:20:00✔️✔️
Log File Retention DaysAffected entries: Core, API, GUI30✔️✔️
List Filter Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged03:40:00✔️✔️
Audio Recordings Retention DaysAffected entries: Audio Recordings7✔️✔️
Audio Recordings Purge TimeTime when the entries will be purged03:50:00✔️✔️


The Authorization settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Password Required LengthThe minimum length a password must be4✔️
Password Required Unique CharsThe minimum number of unique characters which a password must contain1✔️
Password Require Non AlphanumericPasswords must contain a non-alphanumeric characterFalse✔️
Password Require DigitPasswords must contain a digitFalse✔️
Password Require LowercasePasswords must contain a lower case ASCII characterFalse✔️
Password Require UppercasePasswords must contain a upper case ASCII characterFalse✔️
Use Password HistoryPrevent the user to reuse an old passwordFalse✔️
Password History CountCount of old passwords5✔️
Use Password ExpirationForce users to change the passwordFalse✔️
Password Expiration DaysNumber of days until the password must be changed.
Only for authentication type System
User Lockout on FailureLock the user account if sign in fails multiple timesFalse✔️
Lockout TimeTime a user is locked out for when a lockout occurs
In minutes | 0 = forever
Max Failed Access AttemptsThe number of failed access attempts allowed before a user is locked out5✔️


The Authentication settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Enable LDAP for AuthenticationEnable this to allow the users to login with LDAPFalse✔️
LDAP ServerThe LDAP server hostname✔️
LDAP PortThe LDAP server port389✔️

Audit Trail

The general settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Enable Audit Trail for CoreTrue✔️
Log Create EventsTrue✔️
Log Edit EventsTrue✔️
Log Delete EventsTrue✔️
Enable Audit Trail for GUITrue✔️
Log Create EventsTrue✔️
Log Edit EventsTrue✔️
Log Delete EventsTrue✔️
Enable Audit Trail for APITrue✔️
Log Create EventsTrue✔️
Log Edit EventsTrue✔️
Log Delete EventsTrue✔️

Announcement Banner

The Announcement Banner settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Announcement TextSupports HTML✔️


These settings are used by the E-Mail action to send e-mails via SMTP.

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
From AddressAddress to be used as sender for the e-mail✔️✔️
From NameName to be used as sender for the e-mail✔️✔️
UsernameUsername to authenticate to the SMTP server✔️✔️
PasswordPassword to authenticate to the SMTP server✔️✔️
SMTP ServerServer address✔️✔️
SMTP PortServer port25✔️✔️
Use SSLFalse✔️✔️
Allow Untrusted CertificatesIf enabled, untrusted / self-signed certificates are acceptedFalse✔️✔️
TimeoutIn seconds30✔️✔️
Header TemplateHeader template for HTML e-mails✔️
Footer TemplateFooter template for HTML e-mails✔️


The EmberPlus settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Enable Ember+ ProviderIf disabled, the Ember+ Provider will never be initializedTrue✔️✔️
Provider Listen PortListen port of Ember+ provider9000✔️✔️
Use Categories in Ember+ TreeIf enabled, the items are grouped by to categoryTrue✔️✔️
Sort by Sequence NumberIf enabled, the items are sorted by sequence number rather than alphabeticallyFalse✔️✔️
GetDirectory Retries5✔️✔️
Send TimeoutUse -1 to disable the send timeout
In milliseconds
Maximum Age for Queued MessagesEntries in the send queue older than this are discarded
In milliseconds


The Proxy settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Use Proxy ServerFalse✔️✔️
Bypass Proxy for Local AddressesFalse✔️✔️
AddressProxy server address
IP or hostname, must start with http:// or https://
UsernameIf an username is set, proxy authentication is being used✔️✔️
PasswordPassword for proxy authentication✔️✔️


The Snmp settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Get CommunityDefault SNMP Read Communitypublic✔️
Set CommunityDefault SNMP Write Communitypublic✔️


The Syslog settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Forward AddressSeparate multiple addresses by comma✔️✔️
Forward OnlyDo not store Syslog messages in databaseFalse✔️✔️

API Keys

These settings are used to define various API keys.

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Telegram API KeyRequired for the Telegram Notification Action✔️✔️
Twilio API Key SIDTwilio API Key SID.
Will be used as username.
Can be found under: Account/Keys & Credentials/API keys & tokens
Required for the SMS Action
Twilio API Key SID SecretTwilio API Key SID KeySecret.
Will be used as password.
Can be found under: Account/Keys & Credentials/API keys & tokens
Required for the SMS Action
Twilio Account SIDTwilio Account SID.
Can be found under: Account/Keys & Credentials/API keys & tokens
Required for the SMS Action
Twilio Messaging Service SIDTwilio Messaging Services SID.
Can be found under: Develop/Messaging/Services
Required for the SMS Action


The trigger settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Default Switch-on TimeIn seconds0✔️
Default Switch-Off TimeIn seconds0✔️
File Trigger Max File SizeMax file size for read mode "All Lines"
In kilobytes


Settings for actions

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Execute as Primary Only Default ValueThis value is used as default for new actionsFalse✔️
Force Execute as Primary OnlyIf this value is set to true, all actions are executed only if they run on a primary node. The value on the actions itself is ignored.False✔️


The Select-a-Line settings

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Enable Hard ReloadTrue✔️
Hard Reload Time04:18:00✔️


The Scheduler settings.

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Task Refresh IntervalDefines how often the scheduler refreshes the upcoming and cached tasks
In seconds
Task Cache LimitMaximum number of cached tasks100✔️
Task Cache PrefetchThe number of hours the tasks are scheduled in advance
In hours

Requires the Scheduler add-on.


Agent settings.

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Register Without TokenIf activated, new agents can register with Broadcast Suite without a token.
This is useful for setting up all agents initially.
We recommend deactivating this setting again as soon as all agents have been set up.
Global Register TokenA globally valid register token can be stored here.
This token can be used, for example, if Register Without Token is deactivated.
Agent Discovery ServerIf activated, the Broadcast Suite Core starts a UDP server, which waits for requests from agents.
This server enables the agent to be installed on a client without any configuration (if Register Without Token is activated).
This means that the Broadcast Suite Core host name does not have to be configured in agent appsettings.json file.
The agent sends a UDP broadcast when it starts. If the Broadcast Suite Core and agent are in the same subnet, the core sends back all the required information.
Agent Discovery Server UDP PortThe UDP port for the Agent Discovery Server.
If the default port is changed, the agent appsettings.json file on the agent must be adapted.
Agent gRPC CredentialDefines how the agent connects to the core via gRPC.
If SecureSsl is used, an HTTPS certificate is required.
Action Execution TimeoutWhen the core executes an action on an agent, the core waits for the timeout set here until it sets the status of the action to Execution failed if no response is received from the agent.
In seconds
Agent Ping IntervalThe interval at which the agent should ping the Broadcast Suite Core.
The ping acts as a keep alive between the agent and the core.
The core requires this ping to be able to display the device status of the agent device.
The agent requires the response of the ping in order to be informed about changed settings. For example, if this interval or Agent Log File Retention Days has changed.
In seconds
Agent Log File Retention DaysThe maximum amount of days how long the log files should be kept.
In days

Requires the Agent add-on.


The WebRTC settings. These settings are only relevant for audio inputs and is only visible when audio inputs are licensed.

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Enable WebRTCEnable WebRTC for audio inputsTrue✔️✔️
Listen Port30001✔️✔️
Certificate PathPath to a valid TLS certificate in X.509 formatbroadcastsuite.pfx✔️✔️
Certificate Password✔️✔️
Custom Libopus PathCustom path to libopus✔️✔️

Requires the Audio add-on.


The technical settings.

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequires
Config Reload
Technical ModeEnables the technical modeFalse✔️
Panel Throttle ValueIn milliseconds50✔️
TCP Buffer SizeIn bytes8192✔️✔️
DMS Receive Buffer SizeIn bytes1048576✔️✔️
gRPC Request TimeoutIn seconds30✔️✔️
gRPC Stream LimitMaximum number of simultaneous gRPC streams (server side)100✔️✔️
Send TelemetrySend telemetry to SLG Broadcast AGTrue✔️
Telemetry URLURL with HTTP and Core API port
Comma-separated list of URLs
Telemetry IntervalIn hours6✔️✔️
Statistics IntervalInterval at which the statistics should be collected
In seconds (Use 0 to disable)
Max Placeholder Replacement CyclesMaximum number for placeholder replacement.
Required to prevent a loop
Enable OpenTelemetryIf enabled, OpenTelemetry metrics will be sent to the configurable endpoint.False✔️✔️
OpenTelemetry Endpoint URLURL with protocol and port✔️✔️