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Scheduler Overview

The scheduler add-on is designed to manage and automate the execution of events and action based on a predefined schedule. It is ideal for environments where tasks need to be performed at specific times or intervals, for example the execution of crosspoints or studio automation.


A macro is a template containing one or more events or action. Macros are the building blocks of tasks within the scheduler. They allow for the grouping of multiple commands into a single, reusable unit. This approach simplifies task creation and management.


When adding action or events to the macro, Broadcast Suite will automatically show all linked parameters, which use placeholders. For each macro, the value for these placeholders can be set. This is useful to set the crosspoint numbers or similar data.


A task is a collection of one or more macros. Tasks represent the executable units within the scheduler. By grouping multiple macros into tasks, users can create bundles of action that are executed together.

Task Status

Tasks are regularly scheduled 24 hours in advance. The status of the task is updated whenever it changes and can have one of the following states:

NewDefault status for newly added tasks
ScheduledTasks with this status are scheduled by the Broadcast Suite Core and ready for execution
Partially scheduledPartially scheduled tasks are ready for execution, but not fully initialized. This can happen, if for example a task contains an invalid macro.
Scheduling failedIndicates that the scheduling of this task has failed
ExecutedThe task has been executed without errors
Partially executedIndicates that the task has been partially executed. This can happen, if a linked action was only partially executed. If a task contains multiple macros, this status is returned if one of the macros fails.
Execution failedThe execution of the task has failed, for example due to a failed action. If a task contains multiple macros, this status is only returned if all macros fail.
Not executedThe task has not been executed
OverridenThe task has been overriden by another task with a higher priority
Partially overriddenThe task has been partially overriden by another task with a higher priority
CollisionThe task has a collision with another task with the same priority


  • When two tasks with the same priority overlap, the first task will run until the end, then the second task follows
  • A task with a higher priority will override existing tasks


Tasks can have an optional trigger input. When the linked trigger becomes active, the task will immediately fire.

Future Enhancements

While the current version of the scheduler only supports one-time tasks, the ability to schedule recurring tasks is planned for future releases. This will allow to set up tasks that repeat at specified intervals, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.