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System Alerts


A system alert signifies a status or error occurring at runtime, becoming noticeable when the corresponding component is accessed.
To prevent further errors, the error status is displayed as a system alert.

Base Parameters

Each system alert has the following base parameters:

ProjectThe project in which the alert appeared
Alert TypeThe type of the alert
DescriptionA more detailed description of the alert type
HintA hint how to solve the alert
MessageAdditional information if the Description is not enough
ClearedIndicates whether the alert has been resolved
AcknowledgedIndicates whether the alert has been acknowledged.
Other than Cleared, this can be used to ignore the alert. The alert has been taken note of but has not yet been resolved.

Alert Types

The following alert types can currently occur:

Alert TypeDescriptionHint
License OverusedThe license is overusedDisable items or upgrade your license
Ember+ Provider Port ClosedThe Ember+ provider port is closedCheck if the port is not in use, then reload the core configuration.
Syslog Port ClosedThe Syslog provider port is closedCheck if the port is not in use, then reload the core configuration.
Skaarhoj Port ClosedThe Skaarhoj provider port is closedCheck if the port is not in use, then reload the core configuration.
WhatsApp Transcription Settings MissingTranscription settings are missingSet the product ID and API token in the settings
Agent Version MismatchThe agent version does not match the core versionUpdate the agent

React to Alerts

When active system alerts are present, the health icon displaying the number of active alerts appears in the header. Clicking on this icon navigates to the system alerts index page.

The system alerts index page lists all active alerts as well as resolved alerts that have not yet been automatically deleted.
Additional information is available on the detail page of each alert.
System alerts auto delete: System Alerts Retention Days

Resolving Alerts

Each alert includes a Hint how to resolve it. Once an alert is resolved, no further work is required.
The system will automatically mark the alert as Cleared.

In some cases, direct resolving of an alert may not be possible.
For example, if a core restart is necessary but cannot be performed immediately, the alert can then be acknowledged.

Acknowledging an alert prevents it from being counted as active, though it remains in the system until it is automatically Cleared.
This ensures that new alerts are visible and that any configured system alert trigger can turn on again.

If the system cannot clear an alert automatically, the alert can be manually marked as Cleared in Technical Mode.
The Clear button is only available when Technical Mode is enabled.