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Version 2024.2

Release Date: 2024-05-27

Breaking Changesโ€‹

Attention! These things are very important:

  • SBS-2723: In the Core API request, /api/v1/triggers/execute two values have been renamed:
    • Value is now CurrentValue
    • IsActive is now IsOn


Let's explore what's new:

  • SBS-500: Test Trigger and Event
    It is now possible to test triggers and events, similar to what was already possible with actions. The status as well as the current value can now be set before executing the test.
  • SBS-717: E-Mail Templates
    We're thrilled to announce that with this update, we now fully support email templates. ๐Ÿ“งโœจ
    When sending HTML e-mails, a configurable header and footer is now automatically added to the message.
    The templates can be configured in the E-Mail settings. To keep the previous behavior, the templates can be cleared.
  • SBS-1874: Trigger Import
    We have added the possibility to import triggers and link them with an existing device
  • SBS-2605: Events Without Triggers
    It is now possible to create events without triggers. This is useful for the Scheduler as well as panel elements.
  • SBS-2678: New CLI Command
    We have added a new kill command in the Broadcast Suite CLI which forcefully stops the individual units
  • SBS-2711: History PDF Report
    We have added a new history report which allows exporting the history details as PDF
  • SBS-2732: Product System Placeholder
    We have added two new system placeholders:
    • {ProductNameWithCompany} returns SLG Broadcast Suite
    • {ProductNameWithVersion} returns SLG Broadcast Suite 2024.2 (with the current version)


The following features require the Agent add-on.


The following features require the Audio add-on.

  • SBS-2407: Webstream Audio Inputs
    Audio inputs now support web streams. This allows to receive, monitor and meter different types of streams โ€” for example with the silence detector trigger.
    Please note that this requires FFmpeg, which has to be installed on the same machine as the Broadcast Suite core.
  • SBS-2419: Audio Recording Action
    The new audio recording action allows recording any of the configured audio inputs. Recorded audio files are automatically split every 30 minutes, this duration can be changed in the core settings.
  • SBS-2739: WebRTC Support
    You can now listen to all audio input types via WebRTC. The audio signal is encoded as Opus Stereo, 48 kHz, 128 kBit/s.


The following features require the Panels add-on.

  • SBS-2749: Audio Player Element
    The web panels now support an audio player element, which is capable of playing back audio from a configured audio input via WebRTC


The following features require the Scheduler add-on.

  • SBS-2776: Scheduler
    The new scheduler add-on is designed to manage and automate the execution of events and actions based on a predefined schedule. It is ideal for environments where tasks need to be performed at specific times or intervals, for example the execution of crosspoints or studio automation.


These things are much better now:

  • SBS-1529: We have added a background job that deletes list filters that are no longer in use
  • SBS-2496: We have replaced the IsOn parameter of the actions in the Ember+ tree with the last action result
  • SBS-2585: We have added the Test Action button to the action index page
  • SBS-2615: We have added a new Dim setting for the Skaarhoj panel buttons
  • SBS-2661: We have added the linked trigger hooks to the device detail page
  • SBS-2681: We have renamed the placeholder Value field to ReplacementValue
  • SBS-2703: If a setting is changed that does not necessarily require a reload of the core config, the new value takes effect in all projects after a few seconds. It is therefore not necessary to restart all projects every time a setting is changed.
  • SBS-2706: We have improved the behavior of how the core initializes devices and sets the status of a device. It is now ensured that when the status of a device is set, this is processed sequentially.
  • SBS-2712: We have removed a warning that was displayed in the log at every core start regarding the wwwroot folder
  • SBS-2787: When an item is being tested, the current page is reloaded after a successful test.



  • SBS-2769: .NET 8.0.5 in Windows Installer
    We have upgraded the bundled .NET version to 8.0.5


  • SBS-2757: When a license is requested, it is now displayed which license version is valid for which Broadcast Suite version.


  • SBS-2380: Peak Hold
    We have added peak hold support to the peak meters. The default hold duration is 1 second, the duration can be configured for each meter individually.


  • SBS-2695: We have improved the performance when the core during startup loads devices
  • SBS-2719: We have improved the performance when the core during startup loads actions
  • SBS-2726: We have improved the performance when the core during startup loads triggers


  • SBS-2606: We have added a Location field to the directory entries


  • SBS-2663: We have improved the Node Sync dialog to show only devices that are in the cluster
  • SBS-2631: We have added the possibility to approve all failed sync logs in the sync logs page


These things look much better now:

  • SBS-2351: If a text in a table is too long, the text is truncated.
  • SBS-2579: Changed the font setting for numbers to use mono space
  • SBS-2632: Fixed an issue where the version history dialog had an inner and outer scrollbar
  • SBS-2643: Settings that belong to an add-on are now only displayed if the add-on is available
  • SBS-2755: The About page now remembers the last active tab


  • SBS-2756: The import dialog now shows a better error message when a license import fails


  • SBS-2537: Fixed an issue where the signal buttons in the client view did not have equal heights


This should never happen again:

  • SBS-2611: Fixed an issue where in rare cases the core could crash on startup if the parameters of a device were invalid
  • SBS-2650: Fixed an issue where a device could be deleted even though it was used by a trigger in a trigger hook.
  • SBS-2716: Fixed an issue where the Ember+ viewer threw an error when traversing certain Ember+ trees
  • SBS-2777: Fixed an issue where in rare cases the placeholders of triggers were not replaced correctly
  • SBS-2778: Fixed an issue where a backup restore between certain versions was not possible
  • SBS-2782: Fixed an issue where a wrong message was logged, saying that saving a dynamic placeholder did not work even though the change was saved


  • SBS-2416: Fixed an issue where the disabled badge was missing in the audio input index page


  • SBS-2646: Fixed an issue where in rare cases the core could crash because a remote core rejected a gRPC connection


  • SBS-2690: We have fixed an issue where the NLog.config file was overwritten after an update


  • SBS-2633: Fixed an issue where the individual pages were no longer sorted correctly after deleting a page in the panel designer